Our care builds better health from the core.

Chiropractic is based on a simple scientific truth: your body is designed to heal itself. Somewhere along the way, we forgot this amazing power that lives within all of us. Our care removes the pain points and misalignments that stop your body from using its superpowers. And when things function correctly, you start to feel a whole lot better.


Three truths to better understand chiropractic.


The nervous system controls every function in the body. We aren’t “cracking backs”; we’re restoring the communication of vital processes.



Pain is often a symptom of dysfunction somewhere else. Our job is to find the source of what’s slowing you down.



Biomechanics are a big part of your health too.
We tune up every joint, muscle and extremity that needs it.


Life is too short to live with pain.
Chiropractic helps clear up these common symptoms.


Stress and tension in your body often manifests as a headache. Chiropractic adjustments address these problem areas to get rid of pesky headaches.

Back & Neck Pain

Our care helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Over time, we’ll be able to correct the misalignments that cause pain in the first place.

Sports Injuries

Get back in the game faster through chiropractic care. Not only will adjustments help you rehab properly, it can also improve your performance once you’re back in action.


Digestive Problems

Stomach issues can start with a misalignment in your nervous system. Our care restores proper function to clear up chronic symptoms.


Pediatric Care

Kids can’t always tell you when something is wrong, but they’ll show you with behavior changes or functional changes. Some of the things a gentle adjustment can help with include: colic, constipation, ear infections, reflux, poor sleep, torticollis and sensory issues (just to name a few)


Gentle adjustments relieve the compression of the sciatic nerve, reducing the pain, numbness and other symptoms you may experience.


Auto & Personal Injury

Accidents happen. We can help you recover. Gain access to our whole team as you recover from your accident. Massage, PT and Chiro will help you feel better, faster.

Prenatal Care

Pregnancy is a beautiful process, but can put quite a burden on your body. Our care helps with the aches and pains to empower your body to be at its best.


Postural Restoration

We’re sitting so much more than we’re designed to be & its effecting the shape of our bodies. We can help you restore ‘normal’, healthy posture.


Our process identifies the true causes of health issues.
Then we create a plan to solve them.


Step 1: Health History

To really understand what’s going on with your body, we need to know everything it’s been through. We start with a thorough history to uncover every trauma or ailment that may still be affecting your health.


Step 2: Digital X-Rays

If needed, we’ll use X-Rays to confirm an existing or new diagnosis. These images are invaluable when it comes planning an efficient and effective treatment plan.


Step 3: Treatment Plan

Once we’ve zeroed in on the problems, we’ll personalize care to your needs. We don’t do ‘care plans’, but we make recommendations for treatment frequency based on your diagnosis and rate of progress. Not everyone heals at the same rate.

Ready to get started?

Meet the docs.